Download CodeIgniter 3.0.6 - Free

Download - CodeIgniter 3.0.6
Download - CodeIgniter 3.0.6

CodeIgniter is a PHP framework which is very popular among web developers. Rick Ellis is a developer CodeIgniter which was first performed in 2006. With the fiery new logo, a symbol of the burning spirit of the web developer to be able to work quickly and dynamically using this PHP framework.

Since the transfer of ownership, the British Columbia Institute of Technology has finally released CodeIgniter 3.0. What features can be found in CodeIgniter 3.0 this?

The following are some changes in the CodeIgniter 3.0:

  • Compared to version 2.x use Ellislab open source license, version 3.0 was developed under the MIT license.
  • Its driver database has been developed and expanded.
  • PDO CodeIgniter, has functioned fully with subdriver.
  • There is a new library session.
  • There is a new Encryption library.
  • Part unit testing (tester) and code coverage has been expanded.
  • For those users are advised to use PHP 5.4 or newer, but still can be used with PHP 5.2.4.
You can download CodeIgniter below :

Free download Adobe Animate CC

The latest version of Flash

Adobe Flash is already said to be used again for the web plugin, let alone the many issues said that Flash would be permanently discontinued and replaced with HTML5 much lighter and have more profits compared to the .swf Flash version.

Adobe Animate Cc - Free download
Adobe Animate Cc - Free download

Animate CC Flash Support HTML5

Adobe Animate helps web developers to design HTML5 animations, digital publishing, advertising media animation, video animation, media, web version of the game, and much more.

For my friends who want to install Adobe Animate CC only to users of 64-bit only, so for 32-bit OS users can not use Adobe Animate CC. (too bad).

The following system requirements that support Adobe Animate CC:

View - Adobe animate flash cc
View - Adobe animate flash cc

  • Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 processor (2 GHz or faster) with 64-bit support
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10
  • 1 GB of RAM
  • Note: 32-bit systems are no longer supported as of June, 2014.

Download Animate CC on the link below:

Download Adobe Animate cc Link 1 (Full)
Download Adobe Animate cc Link 2 (Full)
Download Adobe Animate cc Link 3 (Full)

Password :

Creating Clothing Store Applications (Online Shop)

Hey guys,
This time i want to share with You relating to making look Applications or inside English people is known as the web look ? : D.
Make it simple, and just need a lot of designs. Suitable for you when they want to make an online application store. Consumers can see the models and skewer with the body, so there is no doubt when they want to buy.

While this application that I even have developed depends offline. I use the programming language is ActionScript 3.0. Do not be afraid to Adobe Flash, many words assume adobe flash has been destroyed. Adobe Flash can still use well, such as making Android applications, and create animations.

Flash tutorial - How to Make Clothing Store Applications?

I will not explain much about the process of making this Clothing Store. Because of its file .fla you can get for free.

Here's the view from the Application Store Clothes I made:

store application
image 1-open application
Enter the OPEN button you will be shown two choices: Male and Female.

store application
image 2-button male and female


Male, buttons that lead to the window menswear.
Entering the Male button you are given with four selections you will be ready to choose the clothes and conjointly the colour of the clothes merely that you just simply like, in addition you will be ready to in addition add designs for clothes.
below you can see for male

store application
image 3 - male costume


Female, window buttons that result in women's consumer goods.
Just like Male, within the feminine you furthermore may will select the garments and also the color of garments, and you'll be able to add garments style.

Below the show to suit women:

store application
image 4 - female costume
You can develop this project much better. Hopefully this article useful, congratulations coding
From the above article may be useful. And could you get the tutorial linked below :
>> Download here

Flash tutorial || Tutorial Flash || Animation and Game || Actionscript 3.0 || Android tutorials

Creating Game Score - Actionscript 3.0

Game may be a digital game that ar rising in the contemporary world. Game Become Necessary as a way of amusement or as a way of relieving fatigue shortly. the passion of the developers still produce creative potential games so players do not get bored, and most well-liked to stay trustworthy to play Reviews their game created. every game features a definite score, as a result of the score to Determine or measure the power of a player.
creating score game
creating score game

How to Make Game Score?

Here I will give you a tutorial on how to make the score in the game. As in the picture below:

game score
game score
In the picture above there is a score column. The name of the column is skor_txt agencies, Classic Text, using the Dynamic Text.

create layer

The following script fragment typed in frame 1, layer player:


var skorgame:Number=0;



function stagemc(e:Event):void{    

In the higher than script fragment score can increase ceaselessly (incremented by 1). This happens as a result of the employment skorgame ++, if victimization skorgame-- score can still decrease.

~ The test program by pressing Ctrl + Enter.

Explanation :

skorgame ++, together with skorgame = skorgame + 1;

How Adding Score Based on Time?

From the above title "How Adding Score Based on Time?", A score that I made this time about how a score value increases after a certain time. As an example :

Score will increase by 1 (one) after 10 seconds, 10 seconds later the score increased again to 2 (two), and so on.

A fragment of the script to score based on time:


var skorgame:Number=0;

var waktu:Number=0;

function stagemc(e:Event):void{   

~ Testing program by pressing Ctrl + Enter.


var time: Number;, a variable used to determine the time.

then the event is written with time ++; -> Time will continue to increase by 1 (one), and then forwarded to if (condition), -> writing if (a == 20), if the time count reaches 20, the score will increase by 1 (one). After a period up to 20 (twenty) the time value will be returned to 0 (zero), and then re-calculate a score from 0 to 20, and so on.

Download here

Flash Tutorial || Animation and Game || Free download tutorials

Adobe Animate Cc

For users of Adobe Flash Professional do not be discouraged, because this time the company has developed a new software adobe them is Adobe Animate CC. Later adobe flash professional will be replaced with adobe animate cc.

Lately, Adobe Flash has reportedly retired as a plugin to run the animation on the website pages. But the latest features of course has been developed by Adobe, which animate soft cc has support HTML5. Additionally animate cc will still support SWF and AIR (support android).

Not just rename it, Adobe team worked hard to reshape the Adobe Flash Platform to be run in different anywhere.


Logo which replaces Flash Professional are:

Adobe animate cc- adobe flash
Animate Cc logo

Here's a video of animate cc:

Many interesting features that have been developed by a team of Adobe, you can find on the official website of adobe. adobe - about animate cc

Animate CC || coming soon Animate CC || Adobe Flash Professional Cs || Flah adobe cs 6 || Actionscript 2.0 and 3.0

UTP cable arrangement

Discuss network of friends certainly are familiar with his name Unshielded Twisted Pair or commonly called UTP. This cable is as a media liaison between computers or as a medium to connect to the Internet network.

The composition of this UTP cable, among others:

1. Straight
2. Cross
1. Straight: A combination that is used to connect different kinds / different type, such as connecting a computer to a hub, or router.

2. Cross: This combination is used for peer to peer or similar devices, such as computer to computer.

Straight cable arrangement:

Image - Straight Cable
Image - Straight Cable


1. White - Orange
2. Orange
3. White - Green
4. Blue
5. White - Blue
6. Green
7. White - Chocolate
8. Chocolate


Cross cable arrangement:

image - Cross Cable
image - Cross Cable

1. White - Green
2. Green
3. White - Orange
4. Blue
5. White - Blue
6. Orange
7. White - Chocolate
8. Chocolate

Besides the material Summary of the computer network will briefly discuss about the network on a computer. The summary of a variety there are also benefits from computer networks, one of which is to get information faster.

Computer networks || Internet || Benefits of Internet || Computer Networks material || tutorial

Code - List HTML

List Html
List Html

List is a common form used to decipher the list. For example, lists that are used in html is:- List with numbers
  • - List unnumbered (bulleted list)
  • - List definition

Writing sample list :

<head> <title> example of writing list </ title>
</ head>
       <h4> sample list numbers </ h4>
          <li> you </ li>
          <li> I </ li>
          <li> You and I </ li>
       </ ol>
       <h4> example bulleted list </ h4>
           <li> you </ li>
           <li> I </ li>
           <li> You and I </ li>
       </ ul>
</ body>
</ html>

Other examples:

<html> <head> <title> -2 writing sample list </ title> </ head> <body>
     <h4> disc bulleted list </ h4>
          <ul type = "disc">
              <li> he </ li>
              <li> we </ li>
              <li> yes please </ li>
        </ ul>
     <h4> circle bullets list </ h4>
        <ul type = "circle">
              <li> now </ li>
              <li> next </ li>
              <li> what tomorrow yo </ li>
       </ ul>
</ body> </ html>

Full flash tutorial >> Flash Tutorial

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