1. Open Photoshop cs
2. Select File --> Open (ctrl+O) --> file image.
3. Suppose the image you opened is like this.

4. Click 2x on layer 0, select OK. This was done in order to sign a lock is lost.
5. Select the Pen Tool in the Toolbar.
6. Add a new layer above the layer 0, select create a new layer.
7. If you've added will be created layer 1, layer 1 we will create a line vector using the Pen Tool.

8. Still look untidy, use the direct Selection Tool (A), press right-click on the line, select the add anchor point to add a point on the line.

9. If the point has been added, then drag the point using the direct selection tool


10. The next step we eliminate point / vertex resulting shape tapering lines. Use the direct selection tool (A) and right click select the delete anchor point.

11. Make it so it looked like this:

12. In the foreground choose the color pink.

~ To Be Continue ...  Part 2

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