Next to part 2..

1. Now set the size of the brush to be used, for example by 3px.
2. Press right click on the image then select Stroke path > OK.

The results are as follows:

string light part 2
string light part 2

3. Add a new layer below the layer 1, select create a new layer.
4. In the foreground choose the color white. Use the direct selection tool > and right-click on the line vector > select stroke path > OK, do not forget to specify the size of the previous brush, roughly 5px

5. Keep using the direct selection tool (A), then add a new layer above the layer 1 by selecting create a new layer.

Change the shape of its vector lines like this :

actress korean - light string
actress korean - light string

6. Now specify resize brush be 1px, and the color is dark pink foreground / pink little old.

Foreground color
Foreground color

7. Right-click on the vector and then select stroke path > OK

create stroke path
create stroke path
8. If it is as above the next step is to do the same as in step No. 3, 4, and 5.
9. Make it like this :
all layer
all layer

   Result :

duplicate layer-string
duplicate layer-string

10. To remove its vector, select the direct selection tool (A) > click right to delete > select vector line path.

11. Next is to select cahaya putih3 and press ctrl + J on keboard to duplicate.
layer -  cahaya putih3 copy
layer -  cahaya putih3 copy

12.  Next do the same thing to the next layer, the second layer of "cahaya putih".

select - cahaya putih
select - cahaya putih

13. If you've followed the steps above results will look more bright white light.
14. Now switch on a cahaya putih copy, then select > Blur > Gaussian Blur filter. The value of the radius is 3.0 px > OK.

gaussian blur
gaussian blur

15. Continue with step No. 14, did the layer cahaya putih 2 and layer cahaya putih 3.
16. If it is the next step is to add a new layer below the layer 0, select create a new layer to add a new layer.
17. In layer 1 (new layer) named layer gelembung.
18. Activate the layer 0 > piliih Quick selection tool (W) / or can also use the Magic Wand Tool (W) > size be 40px. 

19. Do it like this by using the Quick selection tool.

Quick selection tool
Quick selection tool

 ~ To Be Continue ... part 3



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